Americans joined the armed forces to serve their Country. These Americans sacrificed their time and life for Democracy and America. The Veteran’s Administration was created for those who served to keep our nation and its people safe. President Lincon promised those who served that The Department of Veterans Affairs. Would “care for him who shall have born the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan”. As an American veteran you may be qualified for Veterans Administration benefits and compensation for your injuries.
If you served in the Armed Forces of America, as a service member you the veteran your spouse child or parent of an expired or disabled veterans can enjoy the benefits of President Lincoln that set into motion health care and programs for our service members. The Veterans Administration works hard to understand the need of veterans, which all are individually unique. The Administration is there to put to work these veterans benefits for each individual veteran in the fields of healthcare, compensation, pension, education, home loan, vocational rehabilitation, employment services, memorial and burial benefits. When you return from your duty station to family friends making career and finance decisions veterans may need work with the Veterans Administration to achieve those goals. Being a veteran gets veterans administration deals and discounts. See if you qualify below or above as a Disabled Veteran.